Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

September is here and I am super excited for everything that is going on this month! I'm already loving this awesome weather we are having lately. September is going to be MY MONTH. I can feel it in the air. Big things are gonna happen people, watch out. With that said, I was thinking tonight about how you can never say, "thank you" too many times. And I have so many things to be thankful for, I thought I would list them out incase I ever forget. And also, thank YOU in advance for continuing to read my blogs! I am thankful for all of my dedicated readers!!

I am thankful for (in no particular order):

my health.
my true friends.
having a mom that I can talk to about anything.
my parents letting me live at home for free.
air conditioning on hot days.
my 2 puppy dogs.
free speech...hence me writing this blog.
my great relationship with my sister.
all of the job opportunities I have been presented with.
macaroni and cheese.
running water.
being able to run.
pretty flowers...preferably from a secret admirer.
fresh air.
honest people.
uncensored, raw emotions.
love stories...real and make believe...but real ones are always better.
cold drinks.
ice to go with cold drinks.
beautiful beaches.
ice cream.
eternal life.
non smoking restaurants.
comfortable beds.
reality tv...hey, its entertaining.
people who fight for our country.
people who help lead our country.
having my college education paid for.
skype, texting, email, AIM..only to keep in touch with friends.
Virginia Tech Football.
mexican food.
sun roofs.
fuzzy blankets.
having a nice car to drive.
the roof over my head.
meeting people who have changed my life
being given the opportunity to change the lives of children.
sun tans.
outdoor concerts.
leather seats.
having a family who accepts me for who I am.

What are YOU thankful for?


  1. Hey Laur-N!

    Sending you some props from Blacksburg...of course I'm doing my morning fbook check instead of getting ready for the day and saw your link. It's funny because I was just about to write something like this myself, but I was/am going to entitle it, "Things I take for granted." Your's has a much more positive connotation though. Ok enough from me; I hope your September is as good as it is starting to feel.


  2. I'm thankful for YOU! ...awwwww [cue the gags]

    but seriously, i miss you all the time! i'm totally that girl that says "my friend lauren..." going into every sentence when i'm talking to my "new friends" here at school, haha. they probably think we're more than friends...i'm ok with it. sad thing is,it wouldn't be the first time.

  3. PS--you totally do smile at strangers. i'll never forget the 'Hey, Coach!" when we were passing Beamer on you two were long-time friends, hahaha.

  4. I'm thankful for your blogs to entertain me during class. Seriously, my classes are so borinnggg! And its so fun to read your blogs because I can totally hear you saying everything you write! I miss you and I hope you land a sweet job :)

  5. Dear friends,

    Thank you all for the lovely comments. It really means alot to me to get a response from people and hear what they think. It really makes me think that my writing is worth something. Thank you!!
