Friday, February 27, 2009

Nice N Easy

Thank you to a certain someone for find this song. Something as simple as a line in a song can make you realize that you need to sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride. : )

Nice 'N' Easy by Frank Sinatra

Let's take it nice and easy
It's gonna be so easy
For us to fall in love

Hey baby whats your hurry
Relax and dont you worry
Were gonna fall in love

Were on the road to romance - thats safe to say
But let's make all the stops along the way

The problem now of course is
To simply hold your horses
To rush would be a crime
'Cause nice and easy does it every time

Monday, February 23, 2009

These are a few of my favorite things...

1. Favorite time of day: I am a total night person

2. Favorite food: I'll pretty much eat anything,but I would say Mexican.

3. Favorite smell: tie between the ocean and fresh cut grass

4. Favorite candy: m&ms

5. Favorite pair of shoes: Probably my UGGs since I don't have to tie them

6. Favorite book: I know Cosmo doesn't count..

7. Favorite season: SUMMER...get me out of Blacksburg winter!

8. Favorite holiday: Christmas/ mom's birthday!

9. Favorite movie: Dumb and Dumber, Alot like Love

10. Favorite teacher: Professor Boyer...most entertaining class ever.

11. Favorite restaurant: PF good!

12. Favorite hobby: writing

13. Favorite way to unwind: reading/falling asleep while reading

14. Favorite sport to play: basketball

15. Favorite sport to watch: football

16. Favorite vacation spot: Destin, FL or OBX if I'm driving.

17. Favorite place: my comfy bed.

18. Favorite picture in your house: we have like 242536476 family pictures. haha

19. Favorite dessert: oreo pie

20. Favorite thing/something you collect: not really a collector...more like I save everything.

21. Favorite room in house: den

22. Favorite snack food: chips and queso...that stuff is addicting!

23. Favorite place to shop: Express

24. Favorite way to spend free time: with someone else

25. Favorite musical group: Lil Wayne (at the moment)

26. Favorite activity with family: Sunday night family dinners

27. Favorite activity with friends: Laying out by the pool and girl talk.

28. Favorite beverage: sweet tea

27. Favorite color that you wear: I wear alot of black...but I like blue.

28. Favorite life motto: Life is too short to be anything but happy.

29. Favorite sound: a fan humming when I'm falling asleep

30. Favorite quote: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do."

31. Favorite type of artwork: anything written that changes peoples' lives

32. Favorite way to travel: I like going to places that are close enough to drive

33. Favorite animal: doggies

34. Favorite instrument: my voice

35. Favorite flower: tulips

Saturday, February 21, 2009

A little of my fiction writing...

The ocean was cold that day, but he didn’t care. He was so numb at this point that the cold felt pleasant against his skin. As he made his way to the water’s edge, he watched the sea gulls skim the tips of the waves and dip into the dark water. Her face flashed into his mind as he remembered the last thing she said to him.

“I wouldn’t care if you were dead.”

The thought stung him like the wintery winds now whipping at his back, almost pushing him in a forward motion into the ocean. He closed his eyes. Step by step he inched out further and further, until the water stung his ankles. The throbbing sensation he felt caused him to cry out impulsively. He wouldn’t’ turn around. In fact, he didn’t even look up. He let the water rise over him until he could no longer stand without being knocked over. The waves threw him around like a tiny raft, with no intention of ever letting him wash back up to shore. He was taking in water now, small amounts at first. Instinctively, he spit the water out, attempting to tread faster in order to remain afloat. Then the waves came at him harder, and faster. He was gulping down water now faster than he could swallow or spit it out. This was it. The blue sky above him slowly faded to gray as he struggled to distinguish between up and down. He struggled for few seconds longer to break through to the surface. Hands flaring, feet kicking, he gasped for air. All he got in return was more and more water. This was the end. As much as he thought he was ready, he would have given anything to make this all just a dream. His once flailing legs now hung motionless like an anchor, dragging the rest of his body deeper down towards the sand. The water above had a reddish tint. He was going to hell.

“Come on man, breathe for me.”

A body stood over his, pumping air in, breathing life back into him. Was this hell? The man shook him violently and screamed in his face.

“I am not gonna let you die here! Come on!”

The man pumped harder, and breathed faster. His sweat dripped down his face and landed on the lifeless body below. He was tired, and he knew that what he was doing was pointless. The man fell back onto the sand. He looked at the swollen, pale body next to him and wondered what had happened out there. There was no use trying to figure it out now. He grabbed his red buoy and dragged it behind him as he walked away. A few paces into his walk he heard a noise. He looked around. There was no one else in sight. He looked down at the body on the ground. Lips were moving. Dropping the buoy, he ran to the body and crouched down next to it. He was trying to say something. The man leaned his ear as close to him as he could.

“You were supposed to let me drown.”

In a slightly louder voice now, he repeated, “I said, you were supposed to freaking let me drown.”

The man looked at him blankly. He had saved his life and this was what he got? This guy was a piece of work. Silently, the man stood up and gathered his things again. Before leaving he turned to face the guy he had just rescued.

“I’m gonna walk away now. If you really want to drown go on back out there. I promise I won’t save you this time.”

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

25 things

After reading numerous peoples' "25 things", I decided to post my own. The main reason behind this is because I wanted to see what I would come up with and what I would choose to leave out.

1. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life, it would be macaroni and cheese.

2. I prefer quality over quantity when it comes to friends.

3. My mom is my best friend.

4. I am spoiled. It took me a long time to realize this, but now I have learned to appreciate everything that I have and know that I am much more fortunate than others.

5. I give up easily. As confident of a person as I may be, I tend to give up when things get really difficult or challenging.

6. I have no desire to travel outside the country. The idea actually scares me.

7. I have no idea what I am going to do when I graduate. I change my mind on a daily basis.

8. My two black labs can make me happy no matter how bad of a mood I'm in. I talk to them like they are real people sometimes. They talk back to me in their own way.

9. At night when I can't fall asleep I think of titles for books that I want to write. Sometimes I even start writing them in my head. This can go on for hours.

10. If I could make a living writing for the rest of my life I would be the happiest person alive.

11. Helping people makes me feel good.

12. Ever since the first season, I have always wanted to try out for American Idol.

13. As much as I complain about my lifeguarding job, I actually really enjoy it. Helping kids all day makes me feel like I am making a difference in their lives.

14. I have been singing in a band called GLARE since I was in 8th grade and I miss it when I am away at school.

15. I have lived in the same house since kindergarten.

16. The beach is my home and I honestly don't know if I can live away from it.

17. Ever since I was little, I've had this fear of my house being broken into and someone shooting me.

18. Nevertheless, scary movies are my favorite.

19. I like hanging out with my younger sister when I'm home because I want her to know that she can always come to me and talk about anything.

20. If I could start college again I would major in psychology or English. My political science degree was a huge mistake.

21. Just recently I have learned to look at the price tags on things before I buy them. Sad but true, I never cared before.

22. I am overly sarcastic at times. Either you get it or you think I'm an asshole.

23. I am selfish, ungrateful, and unappreciative at times. But I'm working on that.

24. I cried everyday in class until the 4th grade. I also cried for two weeks in college and told my mom that I wanted to come home. I'm glad that I didn't.

25. My friends and family will always come first. There is nothing so important in this world that you forget about the people who care about you and love you the most.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day?

Today is February 14th, also known as Valentine's Day. I don't actually know the real significance or history behind this day, but some how it has been made into this huge deal about giving jewelry, flowers, and expensive gifts to your "Valentine". I've gotten plenty of flowers, jewelry and semi-expensive gifts from previous valentines, but this year I decided that I don't want any of that. What is the point of Valentine's Day? It seems to me that it has become a way to show how much you love or care about someone by the amount of money you spend. I'm broke. My valentine is broke. But we are happy. I don't need a Tiffany's necklace or a dozen roses to know how he feels about me.

My valentine and I decided to go out to dinner last night instead of tonight because we didn't want to wait for 2 hours to eat. As we were driving to the restaurant, I had a revelation. I turned to him and said, "I want to go to Chick-fil-A." And his response was, "But we're supposed to go somewhere nice to celebrate Valentine's Day." It finally hit me that spending $100 on dinner and then gifts isn't practical or necessary. Valentine's Day should be about who you're with, not where you go. I enjoyed every minute of my Chick-fil-A dinner, screaming kids running around and all. And if you're single, which I have been for a majority of my life, today shouldn't be a miserable, depressing day. Today is what you make it. Hell, its just another Saturday. One of my favorite sayings goes something like this, "You have to love yourself first before you can love anyone else." Buy yourself chocolate today. Get some wine and celebrate being young and having great friends. Personally, that sounds like a lot less stress than worrying about what to buy for your Valentine or figuring out where to eat. I don't hate Valentine's Day. I am all about spreading the love around and being happy with someone. What I don't agree with is making today a huge production and using material things to show how someone how you feel.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Laying down gives you alot of time to think...

My left leg is officially broken. I slipped on some ice Tuesday night and landed in a not so great position. I had surgery on Thursday to put in 2 screws and a plate to help stabilize my broken fibula. Now that I am out of the hospital, I've been doing a lot of laying around and sleeping. Two things that I used to enjoy doing very much. How ironic. My leg is throbbing, despite the awesome pain meds, and I can feel the staples in my leg. Disgusting right? Despite everything, this accident has made me realize how lucky I am to have such a strong support system. My mom left home at 5:30am and got to Blacksburg by 11am on Wednesday. My email and cell phone have been blowing up with messages from people. Even though I was only in the hospital for a night, I had a few special people stop by and see me. All of these things mean so much to me.

At first when all of this happened, I was angry and upset. I thought, why me? But now I see this as a reason for me to slow down and appreciate every little thing about my last semester at Virginia Tech. Sure, this may not be the way I had pictured spending my last semester, but I tend to forget that someone else has a bigger plan for me than I have for myself. After only 4 days of not being able to get around much, I have learned that I need to work on patience, trusting others, and not being so stubborn. A hard way to learn a lesson, but I know I will be a better person in the end. The scar on my leg will be a constant reminder of my last semester at Tech, and I plan to make it a semester to remember.

Monday, February 2, 2009

I have a real job....sort of.

Today was my first day as an intern at The News Messenger in Christiansburg, VA. WOOP WOOP. I felt like a little kid on the first day of school. I was so excited to learn the ins and outs of the office and see how news stories are discovered and brought to life. Today consisted of following around a news reporter and watching her as she made phone calls, interviewed people, took photos and put numerous stories together for Wednesday's paper. As boring as that might sound to some, I enjoyed every minute. For the first time in a long time, I actually feel like this is something I could see myself doing and completely loving. There is something so exciting about choosing just the right words to make a story leap off the page. I want to be that person who's name people look forward to seeing every morning. I want to give advice and help people. This internship could not have come at a better time. The News Messenger saved me and gave me a chance to get my voice heard. I'm pitching an idea to the editor about a column called "College Corner," where I write about issues from a college perspective and give the audience and younger point of view on things. I'm hoping it goes well. Regardless, I'm excited about this semester and I can't wait to get to work.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

A slight rant about Facebook relationship statuses

As of yesterday, my current relationship status on Facebook is “in a relationship.” The person who I am in a relationship with is still unknown on Facebook. Oh the mystery! When my boyfriend and I first started dating back in November, we agreed that Facebook relationships are stupid and overrated. I still feel this way at the present moment. Ironically, almost everyone that I told about my boyfriend asked, “Is it on facebook?”. My response was usually a quick, “Hell no,” to which people would say, “Well then it’s not really official.” This response has and always will make me laugh. Since when does facebook become the defining factor in the “official-ness” of a relationship? If my boyfriend and I both know that we are in a relationship, isn’t that official enough?

You may be asking why I’m now in Facebook relationship since I am so opposed to the idea. This decision was spurred by the numerous people, particularly girls who refused to accept that my boyfriend and I were in a relationship. I guess there is a universal rule somewhere that if a guy’s Facebook status isn’t “in a relationship” then anything is fair game. Maybe this is similar to the “If he doesn’t have a ring on his finger, he’s single” logic. But honestly, I don’t know why any girl would want to actually believe in that philosophy. Anyone who has been or is currently in a relationship knows what a pain it is to have someone constantly trying to break apart the relationship. How sad is it that my boyfriend and I have to change our statuses just to get people to accept our relationship and leave us alone? The bottom line is, people are nosey, and Facebook is all about getting in other people’s business. If you are my friend, you would have known that I had a boyfriend long before I put it on Facebook. My Facebook profile has turned into the most boring page in America just so people won’t bother looking at it anymore. Honestly, I plan on getting rid of the whole thing after I graduate. And I know there are people out there who can’t fathom the idea of life without Facebook. To those people I say, get a life. Facebook ruins relationships, causes fights between friends, creates jealousy, and not to mention the drama it starts between opposing organizations. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not upset that I’m in a relationship on Facebook. I am upset by the fact that I have to display my relationship publically just so people will take it seriously.