Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Weekend Facts and Observations

Labor Day weekend has come and gone but it was a memorable one to say the least. Learned some funny lessons this weekend, nothing too major, but I'm in the mood to share.

1.) I am quiet possibly the worst football tailgater EVER. Seriously, I do not enjoy tailgating like other people do! Even when I was in college, I rarely got up early enough to drink a few before the game. Weird, right? Night time games were the rare exception but that's because I could start tailgating around 5pm or so. The issue of tailgating was brought to light this weekend when my dad and I went to the first ever ODU football game. I have to admit the game was pretty exciting. We got there around 2:30...the game started at 6. We did have an awesome parking spot though. So, we get there, park, set up our food and drinks and pull out some chairs. For those of you who know me, you know that I am a whiner. I'm pretty sure that my whining lasted almost the entire time. It was hot, there was no shade, dad forgot the cornhole, we had to walk like 23546363 miles to go find his "buddies" at other tailgates, and yea I whining the whole time. I really don't know what it is, I just don't get into tailgating. However, I did make a list of things that dad could bring next week to the tailgate to enhance my experience. The list included, a portable AC unit, a flat screen tv, and chick-fil-a platters. Wishful thinking right? Regardless of all my feelings about tailgating, I have to state that for the record, ODU football fails miserably in comparison to VT football....tailgate and all. Miss my hokies!

2)Working out is dangerous...for me at least. Today I took a step class at the gym that I've been going to in Suffolk. I have taken step before, but never at this gym. I have literally taken step class over 100 times, but this class today made me look like an idiot! The instructor, bless his heart, was probably 65, had the darkest tan I've ever seen, and was JACKED! Before this class I thought I was in decent shape...but let me tell you, this man put me to shame! I was tripping over the bench, stepping in one direction while the whole class stepped in another, and to make things worse, he kept pointing out every time I stepped with my left instead of right. I was never good at distinguishing between my right and left foot...get over it buddy. But here's the kicker; as bad as I did in the class, I was the sweatiest person there! My t-shirt was literally soaked all down the front. So I'm looking in the mirror in class and these other ladies aren't even glistening. Meanwhile, I look like I just took a shower with my clothes on. Sexy, I know. But seriously, there was one time during class that I missed the bench and rolled my ankle...I thought I was a goner. No more step for me for a while.

3) Shopping for "work clothes" is not as fun as it sounds. Yesterday my mom and I went to the mall to get me some new clothes for my internship. I literally have no dress clothes. The extent of my wardrobe in college was VT t-shirts and jeans. So, we started off at Macy's in the dress clothes section. To start with, my mom and I have some what different taste in clothes. But I humor her and try on what she gives me. Macy's was NOT a success. Literally every pair of pants that I tried on was too short. Next we ventured to Express. Deep down I knew that I would find clothes at Express to begin with, but I really wasn't ready to drop 60 dollars on a pair of dress pants. But when you're 5'9 and need "tall" pants, Express is your best bet. So, 3 pairs of pants, 1 shirt, 1 dress, and 5 tops later, I checked out....with MY MONEY. I know, I'm still in shock just thinking about it. I could just see the amusement on my mom's face as she watched me pay the hefty bill. And the whole time I'm just thinking, this sucks because I'll be sitting at a desk all day answering phones and no one will see me in my cute new work clothes. Okay, I'll stop the whining here. And regardless of all my whining, the weekend was awesome and I am truly a lucky girl. Today was the first day of the internship, by the way. It was really exciting! I'll have a blog about that later....stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. You are not alone. I took the same class and experienced the same thing. My head was drenched like I had just taken a shower. It does get better though so don't give up.
