Monday, June 22, 2009

The pursuit of happiness...good movie by the way.

Believe it or not, I've been feeling a little guilty about not writing sooner/ more often. Sometimes I actually sit around and ponder over what my next blog topic should be. Lame much? I only want to put my best ideas out there for all of my beloved readers! So here's what I've got for today...

As much as I hate to admit it, I absolutely believe in the saying, "things happen when you least expect them." Don't people always say that though? Perhaps there was a part of me who always believed in this saying, but it is so much easier to believe when those "things" actually start happening. In my last blog I wrote about how boring my life has been lately. I kid you not, it seemed like as soon as that blog was posted EVERYTHING in my life picked up a few paces. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not trying to say that my life went from a 0 to a 10 over night, but there have been some great things happening in my life lately. I honestly believe that patience and time are such a critical part of a happy, fulfilling life. Not everything good about life happens in a day. If it did, that would make the other 80 years extremely miserable. I admit that I often wish for the future to speed up because I don't like not knowing what is going to happen. But it seems like when I just stop worrying and sit back and relax, things start to work themselves out. In my opinion, happiness is something that we all crave, but when we finally find it, we are almost hesitant to believe it. I know I for one have a real problem with pointing out what is wrong about something rather than just accepting what is right about it. So this is my mission for you. Seek happiness. Wait patiently for happiness. And when it comes, have your arms wide open to greet it.

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