Friday, July 10, 2009

Back in Action

Alright, I know there is no excuse for not writing sooner but I actually had important things going on! For example vacation to OBX, and lets not forget our internet being broken for almost a week. But have no fear, I am back in action now!

This week has been super BUSY! I now have so much more respect for people who work "real jobs" from Monday thru Friday. This week I worked 3, ten hour days and I was absolutely wiped. But then I thought to myself, what if I had actually worked 5 days like that? I honestly do not know how some people do it! I've been in bed by 10pm every night this week. Lameeeeeee! I'm hoping my body will eventually adjust to the whole being awake more than being asleep concept. At school I could sleep for 11 or 12 hours easily, and now I'm praying I get 6 or 7. It's funny how things change.

On another note, I am slowly starting to get hooked on working out/ eating healthy. I guess this could be seen as both a good and bad thing. In one way I think its awesome that I have grown to love working out and eating healthy. I can see changes in my body and its really exciting/motivating. I also love the feeling of eating something that is good for me and knowing that I can resist the urge to give in to unhealthy food. With that said, there is also a guilt that comes along with the whole healthy workout freak thing. I've noticed that I sometimes feel guilty if I splurge on something unhealthy for a meal or if I skip a work out because I'm too tired. I almost feel like I have to work out in order to have a good day. So I guess you could say it is rewarding and frustrating at the same time. But I honestly have to say without a doubt, that I am thankful that breaking my leg has led me to such a healthy life path. I would not change any of this for a minute and I know that there are nothing put good things ahead of me. I am almost 100% sure that I want a career that has to do with fitness/ teaching people how to get in shape. Now I just have to whip my butt into shape before I start preaching to others.

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