Saturday, August 8, 2009

Water on the rocks, please

Last night some friends and I attempted to go to the free Jason Aldean concert in Norfolk. After waiting in traffic FOREVER, we reached the gate only to be turned away by 2 huge military dudes. Needless to say we were not happy. So, since we were already dressed up and ready for a good night, we ventured out to Va Beach and ended up at this place called Kokamoes. (Cool place by the way).

For those of you who don't know, I've been pretty sick the past couple of days. Going out last night was probably against my better judgment, but I was going nuts sitting in my house. So I had some good,sober fun at a bar full of wasted people.

Whenever I'm sober at bars I always get to thinking. Here were some of my thoughts last night:

Why do people go to bars?
Why do guys come to bars alone?
Why do guys think its okay to dance on you without asking?
Am I going to meet my future boyfriend/husband in a bar? (God I hope not)
Why do white people all? Seriously just don't.

So, my answer to the first question, why do people go to bars, is this. People go to bars with the hopes of meeting other people, preferably of the opposite sex. If their attempts to meet people don't go as planned, they just continue to drink more until it doesn't matter anymore. But here's where my problem comes in. When I'm getting ready to go to a bar, I'm doing my hair, makeup, picking out a nice outfit, all the while I'm imagining the "perfect" guy I will meet when I get to the bar. Now the problem, is when I get to the bar I think to myself, ew I don't want to talk to any of these creeps. Guys in bars are socially awkward. They either stare at you until you're forced to look away, make up a random question to ask you, or ask you to dance when you are clearly happy just dancing with your girlfriends. So, the lesson I learned from this is, I need to stop expecting to meet someone at a bar.

But seriously, how do guys and girls meet each other after college? The bars in college were so much different than they are now. At least at Tech I knew that everyone in the bar was a college student, so that took away from their creepiness. But now, when I go out in Norfolk or Va Beach, I never know who I'm going to end up talking to. I don't mean to sound like a prude or anything, but there are just some people out there that I do not want to talk to. Maybe I'm being a little harsh and judgmental, but its hard to know who to trust these days. I guess I'm just not ready to accept the idea that "Mr. Perfect" could be out at the bar drinking his bud light and waiting for me to meet him. Can't I just meet someone in the gym? Or grocery store line for that matter? See, this is what is wrong with the world today. We think our lives should mirror movies and fiction novels. But let's be serious, the odds of me meeting someone in the grocery line are about as good as me winning the lottery.

But then that fear starts to creep in. You know, the little voice in the back of your head that warns you, you better meet someone or you'll never get married and be single forever. I HATE that voice. And sometimes I do let the voice get to me and the idea of not finding someone does scare me. But on the other hand, I'm young, and its too early to settle for just anyone. And maybe being single forever isn't as terrible as it sounds. I could make a great cougar some day...


  1. I do read these all the time Cuz..especially since i do aboslutely NOTHING at work 98% of the time. I enjoy them! this one was pretty amusing!

  2. thanks for the comments cuz!!
