Saturday, August 22, 2009


Sorry for the gap in posts! I don't want you guys to think that I'm not thinking about writing. I just get stuck on what to write about. Feel free to share any ideas you have on what I should write about.

So I decided that this blog should be updates on what I've been up to lately/random thoughts about life. Here ya go.

1. Summer camp officially ended on Friday. Mixed feelings...I enjoyed the job very much but I have never been so tired in my life!

2. Interview on Monday and I'm excited! Keep your fingers crossed for me.

3. Used the pick up line, "Where do I know you from?" at a bar last weekend. AND it worked.

4. Zac Efron is GORGEOUS. period.

5. Cancer sucks. Why isn't there a cure yet? It seems like everyday someone I know is being diagnosed.

6. Did karaoke at a bar last weekend where the average age was 50. Belted out "How Will I know" by Whitney Houston and got a good laugh from the crowd.

7. Learned the everything in life happens for a reason. I'm pretty sure I already knew that but I was just reminded recently.

8. Also was reminded that there are few things in life that we have total control over. Sometimes you just have to learn to let go and trust.

9. Saw a movie last night and I've been trying to remember this great quote from it.
It went something like, "Half the fun in life is trying to figure out what you want to do. The other half, the more important half, is figuring out who you want to spend it with."

10. As much as I miss Blacksburg, I am SO glad to not be in school right now. This past couple months have been stressful, but a learning experience. I am excited for what the future holds.

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