Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Ugly Truth

Monday night marked a first in my less than wonderful dating life. I went on a blind date with someone significantly older than me. Not that the age matters, but just going on a blind date in general was intimidating! Unfortunately, fire works did not go off, horns did not sound in the background, and it was not love at first sight. But I definitely learned a few life lessons. And we all know how much I love learning new things. Especially when it comes to the opposite sex. Anyway, here are some things I learned.

Blind dates in real life aren't the same as they are on tv. To be honest, it was pretty normal. I thought I would be super nervous and awkward, but I surprised myself with how calm I was. Sure, I felt a little like I'd be "matched" like the website but I am NOT above that. haha. I also reaffirmed something that I already knew. If you continue to ask people questions about themselves, you will never run out of things to talk about. People are self-centered, they like to hear the sound of their own voice, and they like to brag about their job, finances, hot bod, etc.

Now, perhaps the most important lesson that came from the date is this: Before you can fall in love, live happily ever after, have a house with a white fence, you must, absolutely MUST have a physical connection with the person. Maybe it sounds like a "no duh" type lesson but seriously, when is the last time you approached a guy in a bar because he looked like he had a nice personality? People don't even want to hold conversations with people unless they find them physically attractive. Think about your friends, usually pretty people hang out with other pretty people. Think about your past relationships, did you not look at him when you first met and think oh, he's hot? Well, maybe it's just me, but I've realized that I have GOT to like what I'm looking at physically before I even begin to connect emotionally.

Maybe it sounds like I've got things backwards, but I really think I'm on to something here. Why would you want to spend time getting to know someone's personality if you already know that there's no potential for chemistry? And who doesn't have "the list" of physical features that they want their ideal boyfriend/girlfriend to have. We all want that tall, dark, handsome, preferably well off, guy. It's the ugly truth, and it stings a bit. It might sound shallow or judgmental, but just give it some thought. For me, I'm a shoe person. If a guy has bad shoes, I know that things aren't going anywhere. Some people get hung up about crooked teeth, for others its height. I am a shoe person! What are you?

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