Monday, April 26, 2010

Time For Some Updates!

Last time I wrote I was talking about what a creeper I am. Haha. Anywho, I have a ton of stuff to fill you guys in on! Although if you actually know me, most of the stuff I have to share probably won't be much of a surprise. And if you don't know me, and you're reading this, well then you my friend, are a creeper too. : )

First off, I am pleased to announce that I will starting a new job on May 3rd! I will be the Family Programs Director for the YMCA in Great Bridge. I am SUPER excited about this job! I am also extremely lucky that things worked out the way they did. I interviewed for this job back in September and didn't get it. But in a way, I am glad I didn't get it then because I wasn't ready for it. But now, after working at the YMCA for almost a year, I can honestly say that I LOVE this job and I love working with kids and families and making a difference in people's lives. (Awwwwwwww).

I know I've always believed in the saying, "Everything happens for a reason," but it's moments like this that really make me think, wow, maybe I do have a purpose in life! For so long I felt like I was just living day to day, going through the motions, working a 9-5 job just because that's what people do in the real world...

BUT NOT ME. Two weeks ago I made a very difficult decision to put in my two weeks notice at my job that I had only worked at for a month. Needless to say I was terrified! For ten months I had been searching and searching to find a job, and then when I finally had one, I decided to quit it for a different job. I know the YMCA job is the right choice for me, but it is a HUGE commitment. I will be working 50+ hours a week, some weekends, and some holidays. But the weird thing is, that doesn't bother me. And THAT is how I know that I really love what I'm doing. If I could give any advice about what I've learned over the past few months it would be this: Life is too short to spend your time being unhappy. You can choose to be unhappy with your job/relationships/body/ etc. or you can choose to change it! Taking a risk is scary, but you risk more by not taking one. I chose to follow my heart and do what makes me happy. I can only wish the same for everyone else reading this.

That's the main announcement for today's blog, now I just have a short story to share. This past Saturday I was out at a friend's place hanging out with a few people. For some reason, the topic of "why I'm still single" always seems to come up when I'm around people with boyfriends/husbands. The conversation goes something like this:

Friend: "Lauren, you are so beautiful and confident and smart! You must have tons of guys trying to date you." (yes, this was the actual statement, I'm not making this up)

Me: (Laughs hysterically at the hilarious statement just made) "Well, this might come as a shocker, but there are actually no guys trying to date me."

Friend: "Oh my gosh, why is that? You know what I think, I think its because you are beautiful AND confident, and that scares guys off."

Me: "Yea, that must be it."

So the point of the story, or more like the question of the story, why am I still single? If someone has the answer please let me know. haha. But seriously, here's why I'm single. I'll try to keep it short and not rant.

I'm picky. I know what I like and what I don't like. I judge guys on their shoes. I don't date smokers. I fall for guys who pay me absolutely no attention and I ignore the perfectly good guy standing in front of me. I'm impatient. I don't like playing games. I'm honest. If I like you I will tell you, and so far that hasn't really worked out too well. I'm outspoken, opinionated, and if you don't believe in yourself then I certainly won't believe in you either. I'm a whiner. I'm selfish and lazy which is a terrible combination. I want a guy who takes control. THAT is sexy. I want someone who stands beside me, and supports me and what I'm about.

But I'm pretty sure this guy is either taken, gay, or currently living on a different planet.

So until Mr. Right comes along, I'll proudly blare "Single Ladies" as my anthem and enjoy meeting all the Mr. Wrongs Virginia has to offer.

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