Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My thoughts on exercising...a foreign word to me lately

Today I decided that it was time for me to stop sleeping in and feeling sorry for my unemployed self. I decided that it was time to stop eating pancakes covered with syrup and butter for breakfast and get back to the ever so flavorless Special K cereal. Today, I woke up early (9:30 to be exact) and went to the gym for Zumba class. (If you haven't tried it you really need to-so fun!) Going into the class, I knew it was going to be rough. I knew I was out of shape and probably going to puke at some point during the class. But when I actually started dancing and moving, I was in shock at just how out of shape I was! I seriously felt like I was 500 pounds. I looked like I was moving in slow motion compared to the rest of the class.

Looking at myself in a mirror for an entire hour of Zumba class finally made me realize that I am NOT in shape. Parts of my body were jiggling that should NOT be jiggling. My thighs looked like meat stuffed in a package that was too small...(my stretch pants). Now, I know what yall are thinking, "Oh Lauren, you are exaggerating!" "Lauren, you are so not fat!" "Lauren, you look beautiful just the way you are!" As much as I appreciate those nice comments, it's for me to face the facts. This summer I was working out 5 days a week, eating healthy and only drinking on special occasions. And let's not forget that I ran a 5k in just over 30 minutes only 10 months after breaking my leg. But then winter crept in, and I stopped running outside because it was too cold. Then there was Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and of course the annual Super Bowl party. Obviously there was no way I could go on a diet with all of these events popping up. Or at least that was my excuse anyway.

But here's the thing, I have lost my self control and I HAVE TO GET IT BACK!! I know most of yall would agree with me in this one--It's much more fun/easy to pack on the pounds then it is to take them off. And that SUCKS, but is the the TRUTH! Just today at lunch while I ate my salad from Chick-fil-a, I watched others around me in the food court scarfing down Chinese food, philly cheese steaks, and french fries. And they didn't seem to care at all that they were consuming a meal that was 99% fat. But I DO care. When I eat something bad, I feel guilty. I get upset when I skip a day of working out. But lately I've just been too lazy to do something about it. But honestly, now is the best time for me to be working out. I HAVE NO JOB!!!!!! I spend my day facebook stalking while I watch General Hospital and One Tree Hill. This has got to stop! Today I am turning over a new leaf (again). I am going to eat healthy, workout, and not drink a bottle of wine when I'm having a bad day. Maybe just half a bottle.

So blog readers, I need your support. And maybe you guys need my support too! Maybe some of you are feeling just like I am, lazy and unmotivated to change the way you look. But let's be serious, when you work out and eat healthy you look better and feel better. And there are always hot guys in the gym so that's a plus. : ) Get your sweat on!

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