Thursday, May 21, 2009

Home sweet home...sort of.

I sincerely apologize to all of my 3 dedicated followers for not updating sooner! I know how all of you count on reading my blog every morning. I will try harder I promise.

Graduation was last weekend and I'm back in the good ol' 757 now. Mixed emotions to say the least. I love being home. My parents feed me, I don't have to pay for much. and I have a pool and hot tub to occupy myself with on these amazing sunny days. However, I can't help but wonder how long I'm gonna be living at home. I want to get out, be on my own and struggle. Not living out of a box struggle, but just find my own way in the world. I need some motivation, a push if you will, to get out there and figure out what I want to do with my life.

Today I met with a family friend and lawyer who asked me what I wanted to do now that I've graduated. I'm starting to feel guilty every time I answer, "I'm not really sure." You would think after four years of college that I would have some kind of idea. Sorry mom, I really don't have a clue. College went by so fast. I didn't even start thinking about getting a job until this semester. Perhaps that was mistake number one. But even still, I can't help but think that its wrong to settle for a job that doesn't make me happy. I've been trying to narrow my scope of "what I'd like to do." Here's what I've come up with so far.

1. Be around people
2. Help people
3. NOT sit at a desk all day
4. Impact someone's life
5. Love what I do more than I hate it

Obviously a theme here is PEOPLE. I love being around people, this I know. I'm outspoken, a comedian at times, and I can't help but try to make people laugh and enjoy themselves. Okay, now who wants to hire me with those qualities? I certainly haven't had too many employers banging down my door. (Feel sorry for me now.) I know finding a job isn't easy, for good reason. But I don't even know which direction to go in. Potential career choices include:

1. Teacher
2. Lawyer
3. Personal trainer- just for you Amanda
4. Principal or another administrative role.

It seems to me that the one thing all of these careers have in common is the requirement of further education. AKA- I need to get my butt back to school. I've been toying with the idea but I just can't commit to one thing. It seems as though I have become more indecisive as I got older. Responsibility, I am not a fan of you. I'm hoping that my job this summer will make a light bulb go off on or around my head. Being a camp counselor will either show me that I hate kids or love them. Only time will tell...


  1. thanks for the'd been far too long, obviously. i really hope you end up loving kids so that if i have one i can push him/her off on you...maybe a nanny career in your future? you could be a nanny/my live-in bff..hahahaa sounds pretty awesome to me!

  2. work in a retirement community, you'd be around people, be helping, not behind a desk, and maybe they will have a impact on your life!
