Friday, July 31, 2009


EXTREMELY SORRY that I have written in forever. There are no excuses so I won't even make one up. Honestly, I haven't really been in the blogging mood lately and this thing is hard to keep up with. Sorry to disappoint.

For those of you who don't know, my job is working with kids and teens at a summer camp program. I swear, some of the stuff these kids do amazes me. Clearly I do not remember being an annoying kid like some of the ones I have to deal with on a daily basis. The questions never stop, the whining is constant, the hitting, punching, kicking, fighting, yelling, crying, and pouting are ongoing from the time camp starts to the time camp ends. But my question is, why are these kids so BAD all the time? And until the day I die I will argue that girls are better behaved than boys. And boys smell so bad too! Some of them act like they have never been told what to do before. They just look at me like, are you talking to me? Uhhh yes sweetheart I am.

Needless to say working this job has made me think ALOT about kids, and if I even want them in the future. I honestly don't know how people have any more than 1 kid. I don't think I could handle it! But I do know one thing, if I do have kids, they are going to be the most poliet, most well mannered kids anyone has ever met. Because there is nothing worse than a person who has no manners or home training. And if you don't start it young then it will only get worse when they get older. Also, while I'm thinking about it, here are some other things that my kids will/won't do:

1. My kids will NOT eat fast food....especially not McDonald's.

2. My kids will NOT play on indoor playgrounds with balls...which will be avoided since they won't eat fast food. (and I can't believe I did that as a kid, how gross...people poop in there!)

3. My kids will most likely wear leashes until they are old enough to learn to stay beside me in public places. (yes, I will be THAT mom)

4. My kids will not have 400 different types of electronic games to occupy their time.

5. My kids will say yes mam and yes sir when they speak to adults.

6. My daughter will be allowed to compete in beauty pageants if she wants to. (because my mom never allowed me to and I'm still not over it.)

I could go on but I'll stop before people think I'm crazy. I've told my mom all of these things that I want my kids to do and she says that there is no way it will actually happen. Hopefully I will prove her wrong.

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