Sunday, April 12, 2009

25 thoughts

I apologize to all of my dedicated followers (Amanda) for the delay in postings. I have not been a very creative mood lately. However, there have been numerous reoccurring thoughts in my mind lately and they seem to follow me as the days go on. Since I can't seem to shake them from my head, I figured I would write them down.

25 thoughts.

1. Where does a dream go when you stop chasing it?

2. Why do people get engaged in college?

3. Is there such a thing as having a friend who you don't talk about behind his/her back?

4. Does being in a serious relationship mean that you have to lose some of your independence?

5. How much does living at home after college suck? (I hope not at all, but I can't help but wonder)

6. Does a broken leg really ever go back to the way it was before?

7. Why do all of the jobs I apply for ask for 3-5 years experience?

8. Why are the SAME people always obsessed with updating their facebook status?

9. What do I want to be when I grow up?

10. Why do people lie, cheat, steal, kill...?

11. What can a person do with a political science major?

12. Why do thoughts of the future keep me awake at night?

13. Where will I be living in 5 years?

14. Why does it feel like I'm the only one who isn't obsessed with getting married right away?

15. What is the big obsession with getting married anyway?

16. Why do people do things to please others even if it makes them unhappy?

17. Why do people ask for advice but then not take it?

18. Why do girls stay in relationships when everyone around them can see that the guy is a total jerk?

19. Why do people act religious on holidays but not during any other time of the year?

20. What the heck is Twitter?

21. Why are people so selfish?

22. What will I miss the most about college when I graduate?

23. Who will people remember me as when I leave Blacksburg?

24. Did I do enough/ see enough/ explore enough/ live enough during my four years in college?

25. Does everyone have a purpose in life?

1 comment:

  1. dude. THIS is why we are friends. i wonder some of the same shit everyday, some of it pointless, some of it completely legit. some of these questions are seriously interesting to think about. let's life chat tomorrow instead of giles' class. maybe you should print these questions out & bring them.

    ps--love you, tosh.
